Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Yay! It's an Update!

So I have finally got the e-mail with loads of important documents (contract, guidebook, apartment details, etc.)! Here is what I know:
1) I'll be living near the downtown area of Suzuka.
2) My apartment is considered spacious in comparison to other JET apartments
3) It will be equipped with a western style toilet(THANK GOD) and a dryer. If I'm getting any other furnishings, I don't know yet.
4) I'll be alternating between two middle schools every two weeks. I may also visit some elementary schools and have occasional office hours at the City Hall.
5) I will only have to pay about 70,000 yen for apartment starting costs, which is pretty freaking awesome. I was expecting to have to pay at least 100,000 yen.

What I don't know is whether or not I have a predecessor. I know I don't have a JET pred, but I assume I do have one from the other ALT company. However, I do not know if this person is expected to contact me or not. It would be cool to know if any other furnishings would be left in the apartment for me and other little details.

I am really happy that I'm going to be in the main part of the city, close to lots of things to do and places to eat :)  Not to mention, most of the other ALTs in the city live in this same area. If you're reading this and you're a Mie prefecture JET too (or if you're a JET anywhere remotely nearby), let me know! I want to meet everyone I can.


  1. Hello Banana :D

    Matsusaka (Mie) JET here :D. I calculated my wife and I have 18 more days in our our home in South Africa.

    Wow! It's crazy cool!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Eric!
      I bet it's nice to finally know where you and your wife will be! Congrats
      I'm sure we'll see each other eventually :-P

  2. おめでとう♪
    i am planning on applying for JET for 2013 and have recently been doing some serious research. thank you so much for sharing your experience. it's so very helpful!

    1. Glad to hear my little blog has been helpful! Let me know if you have any additional questions
