Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh yeah! By the way....

     ....I got shortlisted for the JET Program! I changed my profile off to the side to mention it, but I never talked about it in a blog post. I've known since mid-April. Oops...haha.
I'm definitely excited, but also nervous for this next big step in my life. As they say, 'No risk, no reward', but I would be lying if I didn't say I was feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, I find myself thinking "What have you gotten yourself into now?!" I'm the kind of person who likes to gradually introduce change into my life, not jump right into something that includes a lot of change all at once. I feel like it's a kinda big risk to take, especially for me.

       I have been wanting to go to Japan for a really long time now, and I am still in awe that this amazing opportunity has come my way and that I actually got accepted for this job. I never would have thought that this sort of thing could have ever happened to me, partially because I didn't think I'd ever have the balls to do it (lol). I will hopefully be able to keep up with posting on this blog, as well as doing the occasional vlog, while in Japan.

      In the next vlog, I will be discussing the longest and hardest part about applying for the JET Program --- Waiting! ...Ugh. How should you be spending that time waiting for results? How SHOULDN'T you be spending that time waiting for results? These answers and more shall be revealed soon...ish :)


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