Tuesday, October 9, 2012


       I'm feeling pretty tired from these past few days....well, actually the past week. I really should be going to bed now, but I feel the need to just stop and talk about yesterday.

       I was invited by my friend, Cara, who is a JET in Komono-cho, to help carry the women's shrine at the Souhei Matsuri. I knew I wanted to go to the festival, because 1) I hadn't gotten to go to any festivals since arriving in Japan yet, and 2) The festival takes place up in the mountains, and having seen pictures of the area, it looked gorgeous... So, I figured that if I was going to go anyway, I might as well get involved and be an active part of the festivities. This ended up being a good decision, despite how much my shoulder hurts now from helping carry the shrine. The pain was totally worth it. I had a blast. But...I'm getting ahead of myself a little...

      Earlier that day, we made plans to meet up in Yokkaichi to get lunch and do a little shopping. I headed there by train from Suzuka, which takes about 40 minutes. During the ride, the train went over a little bridge across the bay. At that moment, I remembered the first time I ever crossed that bridge from the other side about 2 months ago. It was after the Tokyo Orientation, with the other Mie JETs, and I was headed to Suzuka. Memories came flooding back, and I could vividly recall how I felt then and I got chills. I remember thinking how I couldn't believe I was here. I remember feeling a mixture of nervousness, hopefulness, and amazement. This place was (and still is) an adventure. I was so scared...but excited. Filled with adrenaline.

       After crossing that bridge again yesterday, and thinking about how things have changed just within the past 2 months, it made me smile. I found myself in a great mood, thinking about how I went from having no idea where in the world I was, to being able to (roughly) navigate the train system well enough to make it to a neighboring city by myself now. I went from being almost completely dependent, to almost completely independent in a matter of weeks. You kind of have to when you move across the world, away from family and friends...away from the world you grew up in.

       I seem to get into the habit of beating myself up about all the things I've done wrong since I've come here, and not enough on the things I've done right. I got the job, right? I've made it this far, right? I should be proud of myself for following my dreams and achieving them. I've wanted to come to Japan for as long as I can remember.....before I even knew exactly where Japan was on a map. Now, here I am. I'm still in disbelief.

       I had such an amazing time yesterday in Yokkaichi and Komono. The hilly, mountainous terrain, mixed with the little rocky creeks, reminded me a lot of home. As we carried the shrine down the winding mountain road, passing little shops and hotels as we wished for their prosperity, I was tired, but  happy. I got chills again.

       This is why I'm here -- for the chance to have experiences just like this one. My time here has only just begun, and I can't wait to experience more :)