Saturday, April 28, 2012

Statement of Purpose essay

      The Statement of Purpose essay, which is required in your JET Program application package, is arguably the most important part. Before I get into what I wrote, take a look at what it says on the official JET Program website about the requirements for this essay:
This is an essay, in English, of not more than two 8½" x 11" (or A4) pages, typewritten in 12 point font and double-spaced with one-inch margins. Please note that anything beyond the required two pages will not be read.Please type your name and page number (1of 2, 2 of 2) on each page. Be sure to include two copies of your statement in your application package. You should incorporate all of the following points in your essay.
Relevant Experience: Describe applicable experiences, professional skills, relevant interests and personal qualities, and how you feel these will be useful to you as an ALT or CIR.
Motivation for Participation: State why you wish to go to Japan and participate in the JET Program and why you are interested in the position for which you are applying. Also address what you hope to gain, both personally and professionally, and what effect you hope to have on the Japanese community and internationally as a result of your participation in the JET Program.

     Considering you only have two pages, it is important to make sure all the points listed above are mentioned somewhere in your essay -- avoid fillers, get straight to the point.You have to make yourself look good, but at the same time, you don't want to talk about yourself too much (By this, I mean: Make you sure you address things you can do for the company, not just the things the company can do for you). The main focus should NOT be "I want to go to Japan really badly, because I love the culture." It's okay to mention it briefly, especially in answering the "why do you wish to go to Japan?" point of the essay, but then move on.
     Also, I would avoid going into detail about interest in anime, manga, or computer/video games in your essay. This point is somewhat controversial, but I know a person who didn't get to the interview stage that mentioned his love for Japanese video games and computers in his essay. He took that out of his essay when he re-applied the following year, then he got the interview. It may have been a coincidence, but I think that mentioning these things could lead the application committee to think you're shy, anti-social, or just want to go to Japan for your own interests and not for a love of teaching and multi-culturalism, whether that's actually true or not. When I took my rough essay to my Japanese prof to look over, she told me to take out the mention of anime, because it gives the wrong impression. I guess it's just important to remember that, first and foremost, this is a formal essay for a job.
       It might also be a good idea to check out the page on the JET website that describes that responsibilites of a JET ALT and the qualities they find appealing (On the USA page, it's under the tab on the side that says "Job Descriptions"). I used this to decide what qualities and experience I have that I can focus on the most in my essay to match what they are looking for in an employee.
     Allllllright. is my final essay that I submitted with my application. I hope that it helps all of you planning on applying for 2013! Ganbatte :) If you have any further questions, just leave a comment! My next post will be coming in a couple of weeks.

Statement of Purpose

       If accepted for the ALT position with the JET Program, I would strive to create a positive, upbeat environment that excites Japanese students about learning English. I believe that creativity is a powerful tool in the classroom to stimulate interest and motivation. Therefore, I hope to utilize my knowledge of American music education by teaching language and culture through song. I am convinced that my collegiate experiences, interest in Japanese language and culture, and desire to teach make me an ideal candidate.
       In May 2011, I graduated from Marshall University with a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese and a minor in music. Through the Marshall University Japan Club, I enjoyed meeting and working with Japanese foriegn exchange students. Being a member of the Marshall University Chorus for four years and secretary of the Marshall University Collegiate Music Educators Association for two years, I gained valuable leadership skills and enjoyed collaborating with peers. I both attended and helped organize educational clinics at state conferences. Also, as part of an education course, I observed and assisted in music classes at Meadows Elementary School. One of my responsibilities was writing and teaching choreography for an upcoming concert. Through these experiences, I came to the realization that I would like to teach.
       During my last semester of college, I met with a Japanese graduate student once a week to help him with his English. The student was rather shy, which made communication challenging. However, we made progress and it gave me a desire to help others like him in the future. I believe that working as an ALT would be a great way to gain classroom experience, so that I may be better equipped to assist those having difficulties with the English language. My goal is to obtain a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language upon returning home and share the multi-cultural experiences gained through this position with students in the United States.
       I am also interested in living and working in Japan to learn more about the country's rich culture. I have a strong desire to continue my Japanese studies and I would love the opportunity to do so in Japan. For my undergraduate Capstone Project, I wrote a comparitive study of elementary music education in Japan and the United States. If given the opportunity to work for JET, I would appreciate the chance to learn more about Japanese music and the education system firsthand.
      I am a dedicated, hard-working employee, which is evidenced through having been employed with Frostop Drive-In for over six years. When faced with a difficult situation in the workplace, I find a way to solve the problem instead of giving up. I believe this is an important quality for someone working as an ALT, because I realize living and working in a different country could be challenging. I take my commitments seriously and always give my best effort.
       I believe that cultural exchange is important in this increasingly globalized world. If given the opportunity, I would seek to teach students about the English language in a manner that would inspire them to persue multicultural careers. I am convinced that my knowledge and skills, combined with my passion for Japanese language and culture, make me a unique candidate for the JET Program. Working as ALT for the JET Program would not only assist me in obtaining my goals, but also deepen my understanding of the world around me and help me grow as a person.